Saturday, July 28, 2012


Prepares Properly Formatted
USAJOBS Federal Resumes

BACKGROUND:  The ability of landing an advertised Civil Service or Wage Board position through the USAJOBS submittal process is a diligent administrative effort and should be congratulated when achieved.  Beyond the meticulously prepared resume and support documentation required, the preferred status points offered to Veterans, and currently employed and/or qualified reinstatement Career Conditional Federal Employees makes the achievement even a greater feat.  As such, whether you be an existing transitioning Military Enlistee or Commissioned Officer, Civil Service employee, Veteran and/or Disabled Veteran, or when defined: general public U.S. Qualified Citizen, it is extremely important to properly document your preferred status attributes - so when your file is reviewed, you get an accurate assessment and rating.  This is especially important when potentially competing against thousands of applicants for a single job. 

USAJOBS HR SPECIALIST REVIEW PROCESS:   Your application package (resume, supporting documents, and responses to the questionnaire) will be reviewed to verify that you meet the basic eligibility and qualification requirements.  Thereafter, your response to the questionnaire will be used to evaluate your relevant personal, educational, and work experiences that best establish your capability to perform the posted job better than other applicants.  Upon a thorough review of your resume and associated KSAs (see definition) qualified candidates will be assigned to one of three “quality” categories: Best Qualified, Highly Qualified and Qualified. Veteran preference eligibles are listed ahead of non-preference eligibles within each quality category, when equal KSA qualifications are verified.

PAMELA NONEN, CPRW understands the importance of submitting a properly prepared resume and support documents that address the up-to-date required information and your accurately identified attributes when applying for Federal Job Vacancies announced in the USAJOBS website job-board.   The PNCPRW goal is to properly identify your preference status, so you are correctly rated and duly noted, thereby stand above the greater majority of less qualified candidates.   Our goal to this end is to provide (1) the necessary keyword driven resume and associated written correspondence, and (2) provide the guidance when reviewing the Job Announcement to assure all documented preferences are utilized, and (3) assistance in composing the necessary response to the Questionnaire addressing the required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities, being scrutinized as a screen-out by the HR Specialist assigned when determining the Highest Qualified Candidates, which assures you will not be overlooked.

To summarize, YOUR ULTIMATE OBJECTIVE, at a minimum, is to be properly identified as a Qualified Candidate for the advertised job opportunity.  Beyond this status, a properly prepared submittal package by PAMELA NONEN, CPRW, will be designed to not only provide you with an eligible rating, but also provide you with the competitive edge that will distinguish you above the rest; with the goal of being selected as a Highly Qualified and/or Best Qualified candidate.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pamela Nonen, CPRW Coaches You How to Interview at YOUR BEST

PAMELA NONEN, CPRW  is equipped to fully prepare you for the interview process by helping you to effectively describe your experience, skills and achievements relative to the prospective employer’s needs.

Interviewers seem to ask a series of similar questions. Preparing for them ahead of time can make responding to them during the interview much easier and less stressful!The more comfortable you are during the interview, the better you will perform.

PAMELA NONEN, CPRW Interview Coaching includes a mock interview, review of your answers and the collaborative development of more effective strategies, as necessary.

The fee for Interview Coaching is $80/half hour.

Below is a list of the Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions.  You should be prepared to answer these questions prior to the scheduled Interview Coaching session.
  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. What qualifications do you have that make you think you'd be successful in this position?
  3. Why did you leave your last position, or why are you leaving your current position?
  4. What do you know about this company?
  5. What are your goals?
  6. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  7. Why do you want to work for this company?
  8. What has been your most significant achievement?
  9. How would your last boss and colleagues describe you?
  10. Why should we hire you?
  11. What are your salary expectations?

Miscellaneous Interview Questions:
  1. What do you see yourself doing 5 years from now?
  2. How would you describe your management style?
  3. What would be your top priorities if you were given this position?
  4. What book(s) have you recently read?
  5. What magazines do you subscribe to?
  6. How would your current manager describe you?
  7. Do you consider yourself a leader? Why?

Special Note: When the subject of salary comes up, it is to your advantage if the employer tells you the "range" first. Prepare by knowing the "going rate" in your area and your bottom line or "walk away" point. One possible answer could be: "I am excited about the opportunity here and I am sure that when the time comes we will be able to agree upon a reasonable amount. In what range do you typically pay someone with my background?" If they do not give a range, your best bet is to respond to them with a range of your own (based on research) rather than a specific dollar amount. This leaves room for negotiation and does not take you out of the running if you were to state an amount that was too high, or sell you short by stating an amount that is too low.

There is no way of predicting which questions will be asked in an interview, but by reviewing some of the "most common" questions you can prepare, practice, and focus on how to present yourself in the most positive way.

Contact PAMELA NONEN, CPRW to schedule your one-on-one Interview Coaching session today!

Monday, March 12, 2012

LinkedIn - Social Media & Recruiting

Social Media’s Relevance In Achieving your Career Goals

Have you Googled your own name lately?  Are you aware that your online presence or lack thereof can either make or break your next career move?

PAMELA NONEN, CPRW is your executive résumé services company that embraces social media in cooperation with professional résumé development; and is prepared to fully compose and set up a top-notch keyword driven LinkedIn profile, effectively portraying your career background and expertise in the social media marketplace and greatly enhancing your job search efforts.

 What this means is that “YOUR ONLINE PRESENCE WILL SIGNIFICANTLY IMPROVE” and otherwise lost career opportunities will become available to you; both in the cyber world and on the streets of the business world, by virtue of your professionally prepared MS Word formatted résumé and LinkedIn profile prepared by PAMELA NONEN, CPRW.

BACKGROUND:  LinkedIn is now considered the online standard for web networking and social media job searching, to include: recruiter and employer access, direct link application submittal plugin, potential real-time follow-up, interview screening and cutting-edge social recruiting.  The power of LinkedIn lies in its acclaimed worldwide web presence and millions of professionals utilizing this service in the social media arena.  LinkedIn also serves as a job posting and referral site, fast becoming a favorite for companies who are complementing their job boards with the Internet, assuring that the very best candidates are located and found from anywhere in the world.

SOCIAL RECRUITING is cutting edge, is available now, and is accomplished by LinkedIn’s utilization of a plugin, accessed via “Apply with LinkedIn.”  This plugin allows you to apply for jobs by using your LinkedIn profile.  The employers thereby make use of the plugin on their career sites and job postings on the web to reach more than 100 million LinkedIn professionals around the world when filling professional vacancies within their firms.

To reiterate the benefits and value of social media in the job search marketplace, LinkedIn offers you a place to connect with industry colleagues, past co-workers, and potential employers and their job boards, and much more. This is the place for you to post your professional attributes in a strategic manner.  As such, when you connect with employers and they scrutinize your LinkedIn profile during your job search, you are now going to be able to compete with cyber world applicants and not be left behind with only the conventional paper-trail method of searching for a job.  PAMELA NONEN, CPRW makes it easy for you take advantage of all your job search opportunities!   For employers who are not as informed as others, you can direct them to your LinkedIn profile along with forwarding your MS Word résumé and/or other social media devices reflected below.
 "It is Extremely Important That You Portray
 a Unified and Compelling Message Across
All Your Social Media Sites"




Blogging is an effective means of sharing your attributes and real-life thoughts that convey what is important to you and what you have to offer in a summary format.

PAMELA NONEN, CPRW develops Personal Profile Blogs and much more, depending upon the message you would like to convey.  Blogging can serve to inform the intended reader of your industry, monitor and share news with your existing network, and even showcase a portfolio of your best work samples. Blogs can be very short to several pages, depending upon your blog objective.

PAMELA NONEN, CPRW can highlight your unique attributes and depict your work experience, including your video résumé, and then write blog posts about your different thoughts and ideas, for example:
  • Personal Profile
  • Résumé Posting 

Personal Websites allow you to personalize and expand your attributes in the form of creative images, videos, and links of interest in a strategic and compelling manner.

PAMELA NONEN, CPRW will assist you in getting your personal website properly set-up and give you the training needed to maintain it.  The biggest advantage a personal website offers you is the control of the content and the ability to update it whenever it becomes necessary. Résumés prepared by PAMELA NONEN, CPRW should be updated routinely, in order to assure your résumés are reflecting your up-to-date experience.  Your professional attributes written in a World Wide Web format contain content strategically presenting your professional nature, rather than on behalf of a company, organization or institution.

The content of your personal web pages varies (e.g., biographical information, résumés, and blog posts).
Video referencing your best attributes and principles in your preferred descriptive environment: 

With the help of PAMELA NONEN, CPRW, you have the opportunity to present yourself in a setting that presents your interests and/or career objectives in an appealing audio/video environment.  You further have the ability to post directly from your smart phone to social media sites (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter).  This can include a multiple series of videos that describe your intended message whether it is career, personal or ideological concepts.

PAMELA NONEN, CPRW can assist you in strategizing your script and preparing your dialogue to be used and give you the training in updating it periodically as appropriate.  .

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Pamela Nonen, CPRW writes professional résumés and cover letters from start to finish.  Her forte is creating personal marketing tools that compel the reader to call immediately.  In addition to painting a clear and distinctive picture of who you are, what you have to offer, and what makes you stand out from the crowd; Pam is very strategic and analytical in her approach to résumé development, always keeping the targeted reader in mind.

Most people today have an existing résumé, but most are poorly written, boring and do nothing for them.  The truth is that even if you are well qualified for the position, unless you have the best marketing tools possible, you won’t even get a second glance.


As a Certified Professional Résumé Writer with over 20 years of experience and a proven track record of success, Pam can help you achieve your goals.

  1. The first thing you need to do is schedule a phone appointment with Pam.  The phone appointment is extremely important and usually takes an hour.
  2. Once the first drafts of your résumé and cover letter are completed, Pam will email them to you for your review.  You have the opportunity to ask any questions or request any changes.
  3. Once the final drafts are completed, your résumé and cover letter will be emailed to you as Microsoft Word documents, ready to be saved to your computer files and then printed or emailed to prospective employers as needed.
Rates are varied and depend on the level of your experience.

Call Pamela Nonen, CPRW (858-272-2136) for your free, no obligation quote and to schedule your phone appointment today!